Query Helper

Quadrata provides a suite of helper functions as a library contract deployed on chain.

Quadrata provides a suite of helper functions as a library contract deployed on chain.

The library implementation is available on our github.


QuadReaderUtils.sol can be imported from Quadrata contract npm package starting from v0.3.1.

npm i @quadrata/contracts --save-dev


Description: Anti-money laundering risk scoring of the passport holder.

amlIsEqual(bytes32 _attrValue, uint256 _expectedAmlValue)

Checks if returned AML attribute value is equal to supplied uint256 value.

import "@quadrata/contracts/utility/QuadReaderUtils.sol";

using QuadReaderUtils as bytes32;

IQuadPassportStore.Attribute[] memory attributes = reader.getAttributes{
    value: queryFee
}(_account, keccak256("AML"));

if (attributes[0].value.amlIsEqual(8))
    // Checks if _account has an AML risk score equals to 8

amlGreaterThan(bytes32 _attrValue, uint256 _lowerBound)

Checks if returned AML attribute value is greater than supplied uint256 value.

amlGreaterThanEqual(bytes32 _attrValue, uint256 _lowerBound)

Checks if returned AML attribute value is greater than or equal to supplied uint256 value.

amlLessThan(bytes32 _attrValue, uint256 _upperBound)

Checks if returned AML attribute value is less than supplied uint256 value.

amlLessThanEqual(bytes32 _attrValue, uint256 _upperBound)

Checks if returned AML attribute value is less than or equal to supplied uint256 value.

amlBetweenInclusive(bytes32 _attrValue, uint256 _lowerBound, uint256 _upperBound)

Checks if returned AML attribute value is between a min and max threshold inclusively.

import "@quadrata/contracts/utility/QuadReaderUtils.sol";

using QuadReaderUtils as bytes32;

IQuadPassportStore.Attribute[] memory attributes = reader.getAttributes{
    value: queryFee
}(_account, keccak256("AML"));

if (attributes[0].value.amlBetweenInclusive(2, 8))
    // Checks if _account has an AML risk score between 2 and 8

amlBetweenExclusive(bytes32 _attrValue, uint256 _lowerBound, uint256 _upperBound)

Checks if returned AML attribute value is between a min and max threshold exclusively.

import "@quadrata/contracts/utility/QuadReaderUtils.sol";

using QuadReaderUtils as bytes32;

IQuadPassportStore.Attribute[] memory attributes = reader.getAttributes{
    value: queryFee
}(_account, keccak256("AML"));

if (attributes[0].value.amlBetweenExclusive(2, 8))
    // Checks if _account has an AML risk score between 2 (excluded) and 8 (excluded)


Defines whether the passport is for an individual consumer or a business entity.

isBusinessTrue(bytes32 _attrValue)

Checks if returned isBusiness attribute value is True.

import "@quadrata/contracts/utility/QuadReaderUtils.sol";

using QuadReaderUtils as bytes32;

IQuadPassportStore.Attribute[] memory attributes = reader.getAttributes{
    value: queryFee
}(_account, keccak256("IS_BUSINESS"));

if (attributes[0].value.isBusinessTrue())
    // address _account is a Business Passport


Defines the country where the government ID was issued. Uses ISO 31266 standard for two-letter country encodings.

countryIsEqual(bytes32 _attrValue, string _expectedCountry)

Checks if returned country attribute value is equal to supplied string value.

import "@quadrata/contracts/utility/QuadReaderUtils.sol";

using QuadReaderUtils as bytes32;

IQuadPassportStore.Attribute[] memory attributes = reader.getAttributes{
    value: queryFee
}(_account, keccak256("COUNTRY"));

if (attributes[0].value.countryIsEqual("US"))
    // address _account is not equal to "US"


Cred Protocol’s credit score predicts the likelihood of borrowers being liquidated or defaulting on loans in the next 90 days (range 300-1000)

Visit https://www.credprotocol.com/ for more information

credProtocolScoreIsEqual(bytes32 _attrValue, uint256 _expectedScore)

Checks if returned Cred Protocol Score attribute value is equal to supplied uint256 value.

import "@quadrata/contracts/utility/QuadReaderUtils.sol";

using QuadReaderUtils as bytes32;

IQuadPassportStore.Attribute[] memory attributes = reader.getAttributes{
    value: queryFee
}(_account, keccak256("CRED_PROTOCOL_SCORE"));

if (attributes[0].value.credProtocolScoreIsEqual(750))
    // Checks if Cred Protocol Score is equal to "750"

credProtocolScoreGreaterThan(bytes32 _attrValue, uint256 _lowerBound)

Checks if returned Cred Protocol Score attribute value is greater than supplied uint256 value.

credProtocolScoreGreaterThanEqual(bytes32 _attrValue, uint256 _lowerBound)

Checks if returned Cred Protocol Score attribute value is greater than or equal to supplied uint256 value.

credProtocolScoreLessThan(bytes32 _attrValue, uint256 _upperBound)

Checks if returned Cred Protocol Score attribute value is less than supplied uint256 value.

credProtocolScoreLessThanEqual(bytes32 _attrValue, uint256 _upperBound)

Checks if returned Cred Protocol Score attribute value is less than or equal to supplied uint256 value.

credProtocolScoreBetweenInclusive(bytes32 _attrValue, uint256 _lowerBound, uint256 _upperBound)

Checks if returned Cred Protocol Score attribute value is between a min and max threshold inclusively.

credProtocolScoreBetweenExclusive(bytes32 _attrValue, uint256 _lowerBound, uint256 _upperBound)

Checks if returned Cred Protocol Score attribute value is between a min and max threshold exclusively.

Last updated