API Service Libraries

Quadrata SDK API Service Libraries

On the following pages are examples for how to work with each of the API services.

The response from each API endpoint is mapped in @quadrata/sdk/types under the API.DTO namespace.

The parameters and parsed responses for each service are mapped in @quadrata/sdk/types under the API.Services namespace.

  • Create Access Token - Create a JWT authentication token for use in the onboarding client components and other API services.

  • Create Privacy Access Token - Create a Privacy Access Token to access PII data for an individual or business. This feature must be enabled for your dApp.

  • Fetch Attribute Values - Fetch underlying attribute values for a given wallet address. This is an attribute query and incurs Quad Unit charges.

  • Fetch Onboard Status - Fetch attribute status and PII consent data for a wallet address, to determine if attributes need to be claimed or privacy needs to be consented.

  • Fetch Passport List - Fetch, filter, and paginate through passports onboarded by your dApp.

  • Fetch Privacy Data - Fetch underlying PII for an individual or business by a known wallet address. This is a privacy data query and incurs Quad Unit charges. This feature must be enabled for your dApp.

  • Fetch Privacy Grants - Fetch which privacy data has been granted consent to your dApp by a known wallet address. This feature must be enabled for your dApp.

  • Fetch Wallet Screening - Fetch the on-chain wallet screening score for a wallet address. This is an attribute query and incurs Quad Unit charges. This feature must be enabled for your dApp.

  • Revoke Privacy Grants - Revoke previously consented privacy grants from a wallet address. This feature must be enabled for your dApp.

Last updated