4. QuadClient Package

<QuadClient /> Component

import { QuadClient } from '@quadrata/client-react';

const MyComponent = () => {
      accessToken={accessToken}                 // JWT token obtained by calling /v1/api/login
      account={account}                         // wallet address of the user to onboard
      attributes={quadAttributes}               // list of attributes required by the protocol
      bypassMint={bypassMint}                   // Optional boolean flag indicating whether to bypass the mint screen. If this is set to true, onMintClick is optional 
      chainId={chainId}                         // Blockchain chainId to onboard to (see: https://chainlist.org/)
      config={quadConfig}                       // Custom Configuration (i.e endpoint, protocol name)
      mintComplete={mintComplete}               // Boolean flag indicating when the "passport minting" is completed
      mintError={mintError}                     // Optional string that can be passed to display mint error message
      offeringId={offeringId}                   // Optional string or number that can be passed to track accreditation status for a company offering
      onApplicationEnd={handleOnApplicationEnd} // Optional callback function: triggered when the application reaches an end state (error or completion)
      onConsentGranted={handleConsentGranted}   // Optional callback function: triggered with privacy consent is granted
      onHide={handleHide}                       // Optional callback function: triggered when the modal is closed
      onMintClick={handleMintClick}             // Optional callback function: triggered when a user clicks "Claim Passport"
      onMintParamsReady={handleMintParamsReady} // Optional callback function: triggered when the mint parameters are signed and ready to mint
      onPageChange={handlePageChange}           // Optional callback function: triggers when a page changes
      onSign={handleSign}                       // Callback function: triggered when a user attemps to Sign Wallet or Allow Consent
      privacyScopes={privacyScopes}             // Optional list of privacy scopes to request for consent
      signature={signature}                     // store the result of the callback `onSign`
      signatureConsent={signatureConsent}       // store the result of the callback `onSign` when consent is requested
      transactionHash={data?.hash}              // The mint blockchain transaction hash

<QuadClient /> Props

Configuration Object

Pass a configuration object to the config prop:

import { QuadClient, QuadClientConfig, QuadClientEnvironment } from '@quadrata/client-react';

// Outside of your react component
const quadConfig: QuadClientConfig = {
    protocolName: 'ACME, Inc.',
    environment: QuadClientEnvironment.PRODUCTION, // or QuadClientEnvironment.SANDBOX for testing environment

// Inside your react component
<QuadClient config={quadConfig} />

Always define your configuration object outside of your React components to prevent unexpected behavior

NOTE: Contact Quadrata via email to request API keys.

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