2. API Response
Once the verification by the issuer is completed (ex: KYC verification, AML verification, etc..), the issuers is responsible for generating a standardized API response.
Attributes in the Quadrata Passport are standardized to enable interoperability between issuers.
Response API Payload
Wallet address of the user to verify
List of attribute identifiers linking the attribute type and the account.
This list has to be the same length as attrValues and attrTypes and in the same exact order
List of attributes values. See Passport Attributes for more information.
This list has to be the same length as attrValues and attrTypes and in the same exact order
List of attributes types (ex: [utils.id("COUNTRY"), utils.id("AML")]
This list has to be the same length as attrValues and attrTypes and in the same exact order
Fee in the native token ($ETH for Ethereum, $MATIC for Polygon) for attaching the new attributes being attested by the issuers. The fee is in Wei.
100% of the fee is redistributed to the issuer.
Unix Epoch (in seconds) representing the date when the attributes has been verified by the issuer.
Unix Epoch (in seconds) representing the date when the attributes signature has been generated - allowing the user to mint their passport
Blockchain Network chain Id (ex: 1 for Ethereum Mainnet, 137 for Polygon). See list of chain ID.
ECDSA Signature signed by the issuer to generate a verifiable proof of the attributes attested
did (Optional)
The Decentralized Identifier for the wallet holders. This field is only required for passport issuers performing documentary KYC.
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